

The Orchid is one of the most elegant and exotic flowers, admired for its intricate beauty and variety. Orchids belong to the Orchidaceae family, one of the largest and most diverse families of flowering plants, with over 25,000 species. The flowers are known for their unique structure, with three petals and three sepals, often arranged in a way that creates a striking and symmetrical bloom. The central petal, known as the lip or labellum, is usually more prominent and serves as a landing platform for pollinators, often adding to the flower’s ornate appearance.

Orchids come in an astonishing array of colors, from pure white and soft pastels to vibrant purples, deep reds, and even spotted or striped patterns. The petals of an orchid can be smooth and waxy or delicately ruffled, adding to the flower’s allure. Many orchids are also known for their captivating fragrances, which can range from sweet and floral to spicy or even chocolatey, depending on the species.

*** Rs. 550/- per Bundle of 10 Stems ***

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The Orchid is one of the most elegant and exotic flowers, admired for its intricate beauty and variety. Orchids belong to the Orchidaceae family, one of the largest and most diverse families of flowering plants, with over 25,000 species. The flowers are known for their unique structure, with three petals and three sepals, often arranged in a way that creates a striking and symmetrical bloom. The central petal, known as the lip or labellum, is usually more prominent and serves as a landing platform for pollinators, often adding to the flower’s ornate appearance.

Orchids come in an astonishing array of colors, from pure white and soft pastels to vibrant purples, deep reds, and even spotted or striped patterns. The petals of an orchid can be smooth and waxy or delicately ruffled, adding to the flower’s allure. Many orchids are also known for their captivating fragrances, which can range from sweet and floral to spicy or even chocolatey, depending on the species.

Orchid plants typically have long, arching stems that bear multiple flowers, and their leaves are often thick and leathery, designed to store water, making them well-suited to their native tropical and subtropical environments. However, orchids can also be found in a variety of habitats, including temperate and even cold regions.

Symbolically, orchids are associated with luxury, beauty, and strength. They are often given as gifts to convey admiration, love, and refinement. In addition to their symbolic meanings, orchids have been used in various cultures for medicinal purposes, as well as in the production of vanilla, which comes from the seed pods of the Vanilla orchid.

Growing orchids can be both rewarding and challenging, as they require specific conditions to thrive, including the right balance of light, humidity, and temperature. However, with proper care, orchids can bloom for extended periods, sometimes several times a year, providing a continuous display of their stunning beauty.


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