Vanda Orchid


The Vanda Orchid is a stunning and exotic tropical flower renowned for its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and large, showy blooms. Native to Southeast Asia, particularly regions like India, the Philippines, and Indonesia, the Vanda Orchid is a favorite among orchid enthusiasts for its long-lasting beauty and striking presence.

The flowers of the Vanda Orchid can grow up to 5 inches in diameter, featuring a wide range of colors including vivid purples, blues, pinks, oranges, yellows, and even whites. Many varieties also have intricate veining, speckling, or mottling patterns on their petals, which adds to their exotic allure. The flowers bloom in clusters along tall, upright spikes, often producing several blooms at a time, creating a spectacular display.

*** Rs. 1999/- per Stem ***


The Vanda Orchid is a stunning and exotic tropical flower renowned for its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and large, showy blooms. Native to Southeast Asia, particularly regions like India, the Philippines, and Indonesia, the Vanda Orchid is a favorite among orchid enthusiasts for its long-lasting beauty and striking presence.

The flowers of the Vanda Orchid can grow up to 5 inches in diameter, featuring a wide range of colors including vivid purples, blues, pinks, oranges, yellows, and even whites. Many varieties also have intricate veining, speckling, or mottling patterns on their petals, which adds to their exotic allure. The flowers bloom in clusters along tall, upright spikes, often producing several blooms at a time, creating a spectacular display.

Vanda Orchids are epiphytic, meaning they grow in the wild on trees or other surfaces, relying on their aerial roots to absorb moisture and nutrients from the air. These roots are thick and fleshy, often growing out in all directions, which gives the plant an impressive architectural appearance even when not in bloom.

Known for their need for bright, indirect light and high humidity, Vanda Orchids are commonly grown in hanging baskets or mounted displays to accommodate their extensive root systems. With proper care, they can bloom several times a year, and their flowers can last for weeks, making them a prized addition to any collection.

The Vanda Orchid’s vivid colors and bold form symbolize beauty, luxury, and strength, making it a popular choice for special occasions and decorative displays.


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